This is a picture of my mother, Thressa Annetta. You pronounce her name Ther-ess-a. I always thought she had such a pretty name. Mom died about 20 years ago when our daughters were teenagers. I married pretty young and we moved to Kansas, I didn't spend much time with mom like I wanted to or should have. Life just got in the way, as it does for all of us. I told my husband today that I can't remember her voice. I do remember... As a small child, I remember watching my mom do hand work, later I found out that she was sewing doll clothes for my baby doll, all sewn by hand. One night it was storming and we lost the electricity to the house, but that didn't stop mom and I enjoying a game of Yatzee, we just played by lantern light. Mom worked full time and many times she was at work before the sun was up and sometimes didn't get home until dark, but if I asked her to color or draw with me, she always had time. In the summer Mom, Dad and I would go to the drive-in movies. Mom would pop up a bunch of popcorn and put it in a big paper sack we'd get from the grocery store then salt it real good...yum. One New Years Eve she and I stayed up all night (ok, it was midnight) and when 12:00 came, we threw streamers at each other, laughing all the while. Back in the olden days (1950's) we had the stand-alone stoves that would heat each room. Mom would hold my pj's over the stove to get them warm and toasty before I put them on. She was the best mom a little girl could have. What are your memories of your mom? |